Friday, December 15, 2006

prayer for salvation of all

dear Lord

You say that Your desire is for all to come to know Your saving grace
You died and overcame the power of death
for whoever believes will have eternal life

may You open the eyes of people's hearts
for them to see that You are their creator
You came to save them
You love them deeply and desire for them to return to You
You are able to grant them meaning in life
You are able to transform their lives in ways they've never imagined
You are the answer to all things

if it pains me as much to know that they intentionally turn away from you
how much more would it pain Your heart?

may You perform miracles in their lives
turn the hardest of hearts back to You
humble them and let them receive You into their lives
may this Christmas season bring a different meaning into their lives
that they truly know You
as their Lord and Savior

in Jesus's name i pray


Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Dear Lord,

I think what You want is total surrender from Your children.
To say that You are Lord means You lord over everything in our lives--both what seems to be good and bad in our human view point. Somehow it's all good from Your view point. Is it that through all things that we can be drawn closer to You? that we learn more of who You are not who we think You are or should be?

But I think this is also one of the hardest lessons of all for us human beings to let go of the things we find security in, the desire to know what future will hold... but actually if we would know You who hold the future, we can be secured. it's always the object of faith and not just faith itself that matters.

So is it in full surrendering, we learn of Your infinite wisdom, infinite goodness, infinite blessings, infinite love, infinite grace, infinite justice? because You are much bigger than we can ever imagine or know.

But in our human weakness, reveal portion of Your infinite power in our lives. Just as You reveal bits and pieces of Your plan, grant us the faith and trust that are needed to see this small portion of who You are to us and to the world.

In our inability to fully trust and surrender, grant us faith. Grant us greater measure of faith in You and allow us to experience Your greatness in our lives as You lead us step by step into Your will... in molding us, shaping us to be the instruments of Your use, fitting into the grand plan of Yours.

Ultimately, wouldn't You receive all praise, glory, and honor? there is no other way except Your way. wouldn't all nations and peoples bow down in worshipping You because You are worthy? Shouldn't we worship and praise You even before You reveal Your fullness to us? is this the child-like faith that You require? just to fall into the arms of the loving daddy? totally trusting that You have good in mind?

So what else is there for me to say? what else is there for me to pray? except that Your will be done in our lives. that You be lifted up as You deserve.

we praise You. we worship You, oh great God of heaven and earth, of all living things... for You are great. why wouldn't we surrender to You?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

prayer for strength and endurance

dear Lord,

it is with a humbled desperation do i come to You
seeking Your strength to be mine
for i have none of my own left
with the silences in life
expectations and desires not fulfilled by those around
so that Your fulfillment and satisfaction would come
fully satisfying, fully appreciated
of Your comfort, love, and hope

You have called me on this journey
to be faithful
to follow obediently
to trust You fully
because You are trust-worthy
You do not disappoint
You have ways in making everything well according to Your timing and plan

there are things in this world that I do not understand
things i have yet to see
people that i do not understand
there are too many uncertainties and uncontrolled elements
i would be too proud if i say i don't need You
i would be too stupid if i never asked for Your help

so i'm asking
for all contentment in You
for full submission to Your will
for wholly trust into Your plans for my life
for peace in falling into Your sovereignty

may my words and prayers ever be true
may my heart ever rest secure in You

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

prayer of trust

Dear Lord,

i want to trust in You
in Your unfailing love
in Your omnipotent
in Your omniscient
in Your omnipresence

You are the only One who knows me fully
You know exactly how my future will come to being
You are in control
You have the best in mind for my life

Thank You Lord. Thank You
for i can trust in You

there's nothing to fear or fret

Monday, July 31, 2006

Dear Lord,

In times like these I have to come to You
We have to come to You again
crying out for Your mercy to extend
for Your grace to guard
and Your love to protect
from discouragement
from disbelief
from losing faith in You
and losing sight of You

You promised that You would not tempt us beyond what we cannot bear
may You hold true Your promises

Do not leave us in devastation and hopelessness
But to continue to look to You for hope and our future
For the hope of salvation for our loved ones
For the hope that surely You have a future for us
For the hope that we will not only experience Your healing in heaven
but also here and now
we want to be complete in You here and now
we want to experience miracles that draw us closer to You here and now
enlarge our faith so we would see Your promises fulfilled in our lives

we can only look to You for there's no one else who would be able to help us any better
we can only cry out to You for You see every tear flown out of our hearts
You know and You understand
Give us hope, give us trust, give us faith, give us light

Friday, July 21, 2006

prayer for the broken hearted

dear God,

i entrust them into Your hands
You know how hard and the pains that they are going thru
the false accusations, words that stab into the heart
because they are from those they love, treasure, and cherish
besides You, there's none other who can help them
only You can resolve whatever pain and hurt they are facing
You know of the problems in their past
the pains from their families or society

O Lord, tear down the strongholds of the evil one
tear down the strongholds of their lives from sin, burdens, hurt, pain
free them so they can soar upon Your promises and Your Truths

take them into Your care
help us not to worry as You commanded
for Your hands are strong
Your arms embrace and will not let them go

Hold them Lord, hold them...
Watch over them
Protect them
by Your power, by Your blood
